Dies ham radio deluxe work with linux
Dies ham radio deluxe work with linux

dies ham radio deluxe work with linux

Depending on the the auction house, you should be able to get one at $20-$50. Now this does not need the latest and greatest, in fact most computers that have been built in the last 3-5 years would be suitable, which also means that the majority of computers at the auction houses (which recycle many of enterprise or government computers) have them at this age. Ideally a workstation that is capable of running Windows 10 is ideal (most I3 or I5 are capable) with 250Gb hard drive, and at least 4Gb ram or better with 8Gb. That 10 year old computer that you have gathering dust under the desk may not be suitable, but you actually don’t need much. All you need is a low end computer, an interface and some software, which we discuss below. If you have the Xiegu G90, then you have the Transceiver. You most likely have a transceiver, particularly as you are interested in Digital Mode Communications, and hopefully you have a Xiegu G90, as that is what these articles are about (but I fully recognise that you might have ended up on this page as you are interested in Digital Mode Communication, and want to apply the concepts of what is in this article to your model of radio. Computer (Can also be an Single Board Computer like a Raspberry PI).In Australia, whether you hold a foundation, standard or advanced licence, you can take part in using Digital Modes. Xiegu G90 & Digital Modes (the page you are on).

dies ham radio deluxe work with linux

This article initially was short, but it started getting quite large, so it has been setup as several articles, which I recommend reading in the following order Now you have had some fun with your Xiegu G90 HF Transceiver, possibly had a few QSO’s, checked how well the inbuilt Antenna Tuner works, you want to sample the Digital Modes that everyone is talking about.

Dies ham radio deluxe work with linux