Some claim the company has “dumbed down” the interface, ruined the tabs and bookmarks functions, and most glaringly removed support for most add-on extensions. On the Google Play Store (Opens in a new window), the revamped browser has received numerous negative complaints from users who already received it. That said, not everyone is happy about the new Firefox. “Also, it protects our users if there are security issues with Blink as Firefox will not be affected.” “This allows us to have complete freedom of choice when it comes to implementation of standards and features,” Mozilla wrote in today’s announcement. GeckoView is also independent from Google’s Blink rendering engine when Chrome dominates the mobile market with a 64 percent share (Opens in a new window). Under the hood, Mozilla has elected to use its own GeckoView rendering engine, which is helping the new Firefox achieve a 10 percent speed increase over the old version when it comes to loading pages. Still, Mozilla does collect anonymized user data from its browser for product improvement purposes.
The 'Enhanced Tracking Protection' is on by default. (The traditional bookmarks feature is there too.) In addition, you can organize your numerous browser tabs into collections, which can offer an easy way to access your favorite sites on the software’s startup. There's also a dedicated dark mode, and an alternative mode that'll try to match the color scheme to your phone's device theme. "With regard to appearance, we redesigned the user interface of our Android browser completely so that it’s now even cleaner, easier to handle and to make it one’s own," the company added. If you don’t like it, you can revert to traditional search bar placement by going into the browser’s settings and visiting customize. Still, users may have a love-hate response to the search bar’s placement. The decision to relocate the URL bar also creates more screen space at the top, an area where your eyes might naturally focus. With the URL bar at the bottom, the browser is easier to use, especially one-handed, and if your phone has a 6-inch screen. We tried out the new Firefox and dig the change.